starring: uma thurman, luke wilson, anna faris...
director: ivan reitman
writer: don payne

date: 09/05/06
reviewer: Clarkey
rating: 2/10
I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to reviewing this flick. I thought it would be a solid flick with a new take on the whole superhero genre. However, sadly, this film was pretty much a waste of my time. It felt more like a made for TV movie than a cinematic flick. I’ve seen better straight to video movies. That’s how bad it was.
There were some positives in the mess; mainly how hot Uma Thurman looked in her costume. However, it looked like she was going through the motions, never really bringing the substance that makes the audience like the character. The support of Anna Faris and Ranin Wilson (a.k.a Dwight from the Office) were great. The former continues to look smoking hot and the latter stole every scene he was in. Luke Wilson was…well, Luke Wilson. He always seems to play the same likeable loser in every movie he does.
As for the story, it was predictable and pretty stupid. Any person who has watched a movie would’ve known what would’ve happened. And my God, what a bad climax. That was just plain uncreative and so bad. This script was the first feature length script that Don Payne wrote and it’s quite obvious. He should stay with television. I’ll admit I did like the last line in the movie, “You wanna grab a beer?” As for directing, Ivan Reitman, please stick with producing. Your skills as a director have dried up with age. It is quite sad that this is film was directed so poorly by the same man who brought us classics like Stripes, Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II.
Do yourself a favour and avoid this film at all cost, like I really had to warn most of you. If you are considering renting this film or checking it out, save your money and rent something, anything, else. Or watch The Office season 1 and 2 on DVD.
director: ivan reitman
writer: don payne

date: 09/05/06
reviewer: Clarkey
rating: 2/10
I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to reviewing this flick. I thought it would be a solid flick with a new take on the whole superhero genre. However, sadly, this film was pretty much a waste of my time. It felt more like a made for TV movie than a cinematic flick. I’ve seen better straight to video movies. That’s how bad it was.
There were some positives in the mess; mainly how hot Uma Thurman looked in her costume. However, it looked like she was going through the motions, never really bringing the substance that makes the audience like the character. The support of Anna Faris and Ranin Wilson (a.k.a Dwight from the Office) were great. The former continues to look smoking hot and the latter stole every scene he was in. Luke Wilson was…well, Luke Wilson. He always seems to play the same likeable loser in every movie he does.
As for the story, it was predictable and pretty stupid. Any person who has watched a movie would’ve known what would’ve happened. And my God, what a bad climax. That was just plain uncreative and so bad. This script was the first feature length script that Don Payne wrote and it’s quite obvious. He should stay with television. I’ll admit I did like the last line in the movie, “You wanna grab a beer?” As for directing, Ivan Reitman, please stick with producing. Your skills as a director have dried up with age. It is quite sad that this is film was directed so poorly by the same man who brought us classics like Stripes, Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II.
Do yourself a favour and avoid this film at all cost, like I really had to warn most of you. If you are considering renting this film or checking it out, save your money and rent something, anything, else. Or watch The Office season 1 and 2 on DVD.
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