Review Date:11/10/03
Rating: 10+/10
Rewiewed By: suj
By now it seems that everybody in the entire world has an opinion on blink 182 on whether they are sell outs or not / punk or pop, but that's not the point right now its all about the music and the new album.
This album is not actually "Untitled" it really just doesn't have a title at all. Blink 182 just wants their music to speak for itself and refused to label it with a funny title in which they are known for (this album was rumord to be called 'use your erection 1&2'). There basically saying with this album, "this is Blink182 - the skin and bones." That's what the boys of 182 did, they created an album not for the critics or the fans, but for themselves.
The album starts with the lead single "Feeling This" a catchy song with darker undertones that sets the mood for the entire CD. The Standout tracks have to be "I Miss You" (Which i think personally, is the best song blink has ever crafted both musically and lyrically), "Stockholm Syndrome", "Easy Target", "Here's Your Letter" , "The Fallen Interlude", "Down", "All of This", "I'm Lost Without You", "Obvious", "Violence", "Go", "Asthenia", and "Always". Wait, did I just say all the tracks are the Standouts? Yup, i did. I just fucking adore this disc and its the one album that I have heard which every single track I can see as a single, there all amazing, outstanding, and most importantly good music. Although the track "All of This" is one to note as Robert Smith lends his vocals and I hope you just didn't say 'Who is Robert Smith? because if you don't know who he is, you should drop what your doing right now and run (not walk) to your neariest record store and pick up any ablum from the band 'The Cure' (my personal favorite is "The Head on the Door") and be whist away in a grand scale of musical joy. The album ends with "I'm Lost Without You" - an almost 6 minute ballad that is sure to bring back memories of that special someone. What is gone are the poop and fart joke songs, although I'm sure they will still run rampant in the live show.
When I first heard 'Dammit', back in early grade 9, It changed my life in many ways. As you see, two years pervious was a space int ime where I became a full die-hard fan of music with 'Our Lady Peace' storming the ariwaves with 'Superman's Dead' and 'Clumsy'. Later year later, I hate to say this, but i was a fan of the rap/hip-hop. I don't know why? but i'm blaming it all on peer-pressure. Come on, everyone no matter who you are were listing to rap with the rise of eminem and all, But I am glad that stage of musical taste is over and done with thanks to one band BLINK 182. Blink helped me open up to a whole genre that would eventually take over my life, musically. They opened me up to great bands such as aforementioned 'The Cure', 'The Clash', The Descendents', and 'NoFx' just to name a few.
Blink 182 will forever be my favorite band, their music will become the soundtrack to my life. This new album is the best I have ever heard of them. The CD feels like an old friend, something I can confide to, something giving me more hope, more dreams, and showing me that everything will be okay, telling me exactly what I need to hear with every lyric, every guitar riff, every bass lick, and with every beat of the drum. Blink 182, to me are what The Beatles were to our parents.
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