date: 04/12/06
reviewer: Suj
rating: 10+/10
And so it has been leaked, a good month or so before it officially drops. Yes, I’ve fallen into temptation and snatched the album as fast as I could, and don’t judge me because I’m sick of all you people saying shit like “I’ll wait till it comes out” and “I’m not going to download it because I want to respect the artist”. The way I see it is like this, if you given the chance to fuck super hot sexpot Scarlet Johansson right now or one month from now, we both know that you along with I would most defiantly fuck her right now. And by no means am I compareing the Angels & Airwaves album is equal to fucking Ms. Johansson because that would just not be right. fucking Scarlet is on a tottally different level, I mean I think I would actually feel the world trembling in utter bliss if I were to lay in bed with her, it would be gloriously good. It would only be equal to talking to God or at the least standing in the presence of one Scott Baio...fuck, I'm going off topic here, so yeah rest assured I will be purchasing the actual album when it comes out (I’ll probably buy more than one copy to compensate for embracing the evil ways of internet transactions). So fuck you anti-pirate people, pirates are fucking cool, always have and always will, eye patch et al.
Before I begin to spew my thoughts about the album, I will say that the following will indeed be filled with an uncanny amount of praise because I am completely biased in a positive light towards the work of one Thomas Delonge. I should also note, that it was the band Blink 182 that brought me into the musical world and would eventually lead my ears to such masterful acts such as The Cure and The Smiths whom would change the way I hear music. In short, Blink 182 was my marijuana, my gateway drug to great music, and to the ever clandestine of translucent eargasms.
The record, the album entitled We Don’t Need to Whisper by the band Angels & Airwaves is shining example of productively in the face of adversity and the evolution of one man’s desire to become something more than just piss and fart jokes. Delonge (Guitar/Vocals) steps up, aided with new band mates David Kennedy (Guitar), Ryan Sinn (Bass), and Atom Willard (Drums) to rejuvenate the signature blink sound and turn it into something magical, memorable, and everlasting.
The track “Valkyrie Missile” opens everything up and gives you a very futuristic feeling as if you were at the edge of space overlooking the vast emptiness as the sun slowly starts to rise over the horizon, then it all stops, as a soft guitar riff makes its presence felt along two astronauts talking to one another, telling each other what they see, and in moments the drums kick in and before you know it your knee deep in a soothing anthem of a beautiful beginning. The song “Distraction” follows next and opens with a Beatles-esque type piano melody accompanied by a faint drum beat that progressively gets louder until the chorus engulfs the speakers proclaiming “I’ll be your distraction”. The song is somber, easing you through its story, stunning and melodic it is.
“It Hurts” is the albums third entry and I just love the melody of the verses, it’s very catchy. Forth on the docket is “Do It For Me Now” which embraces the sounds of the 80s with the use of synths coupled with a swirling guitar riff, both of which coupled with the story of the song makes you feel as if your spinning around and around with the one you love. Hand in hand, smiling from ear to ear without a care in the world, because you both know that when your together every little rotten thing about life seems like its going to be okay. This is one of my favorite songs on the record. Then you have “The Adventure” the albums first single which is currently making the rounds at various radio stations and music channels. Very U2 sounding, and showcases what, essentially, Delonge and company are trying to accomplish with their music. Great song. “The War” is heavy in its thunderclaps, drum pounding, guitar riffs, and vocals. This song is indeed best listened standing in the centre of a stadium as the band bombards you from the stage, speakers at max. It’s a good rock song, and did I mention the hand claps, you can never go wrong with hand claps. A definite crowd pleaser, fucking hand claps!
The album slows down with the melancholy sounds of the ballad “A Little’s Enough” which is about God coming down from the heavens to make the world a better place to live. It’s a profound message and too a profound song. It’s simplestic, echoing with happiness’. One of my other favorite tracks of this album is “The Gift” as it's highly influenced by U2. It’s the type of song that makes you want to walk the streets with a great big smile; it’s an uplifting song, a summer song of love. Perhaps even a good song to insert ones penis into one’s significant others vagina. Second to last is the track “Good Day” which is one those slow, tapping of the toes, bobbing of the head, back against the wall, fingers a snapping songs. The album comes to a close with “Start the Machine” which begins with a haunting playing of a toy piano and it along with the rest of the song brings chills throughout ones spine.
To conclude, bravo and handclaps to you Thomas Delonge for creating an album I soon won’t forget. This record may not change the world, may not be the greatest achievement in music, may not be your cup of tea, but quite frankly I don’t give a damn because Its good to hear from the voice of an artist that made me love music and to that I will always be grateful.
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