I may very well be crucified by the forth coming proclamation, that being, I really dig the new Justin Timberlake album. You just got to give credit where credit is due and you just have to come to the startling realization that this is indeed good music because once in awhile you just need to step away from your musical comfort zone, and succumb to something you don’t normally listen to. Justin Timberlake has undeniably taken the reins of pop-music and transformed it into an all out panic attack of abnormal dance movements your body never knew could comprehend. FutureSex/LoveSounds will be spinning in our collective heads for years to come, and it will be a reminder for those willing to bring sexy back in a future where robots rule the world.
This praise most certainly comes out of nowhere. I was never a fan of neither Timberlake’s boy band days nor his debut solo album. There is just something innate about this album and the sheer coolness that it possess. FutureSex/LoveSounds picks up where Michael Jackson left off with Thriller and Bad, but swirls and spins the aforementioned albums into a new era, a new generation, and a new audience. All of which are accustomed to electronic hypnotic beats, catchy hooks, and the undying inclination to dance (I’m talking to you ladies). The rhythmic "Sexyback" will forever be played in clubs for years to come and I’ll occasional be there to play the role of strangers crotch to women’s voluptuous asses and for that I thank you Mr. Timberlake. “My Love” may perhaps be the answer to “Cry Me A River” as its a declaration of emotion serenaded through smooth falsetto with weeping lovelorn lyrics. The song is epic love, both lyrically and musically. It’s the type of song you want to etch down its lyrics, conveniently wrap it into a heart shaped box and hand it over to the girl of your dreams all the while the glistening of the moon overlooks it all, Shakespearean romanticism. As for the music, it’s Timbaland at his finest with massive synths, thumping bass, shushing beatbox, and the overwhelming definition of chill.
The rest of the album continues and follows the lead of the two aforementioned tracks and keeps the toe-tapping to an all time high. One of the coolest tracks on this album is that of "Lovestoned/I Think She Knows." Its packed with James Brown/Prince infused craziness of which will more than likely ingnite the nearby dancefloor, and the interlude is just fucking sick. To cap off the album are the gospel-tinged “Losing My Way” and the wonderful Rick Rubin-produced finale, "(Another Song) All Over Again," beautiful ballads that bring a nice symmetry to an otherwise dance centric album.
I don’t care what people say, this album is fucking good. And I know damn well that I won’t be the only pseudo-emo scenester who’ll dig this album. So, in conclusion Justin Timberlake’s FutureSex/LoveSounds is an all-out dance party nicely wrapped up in a CD case. All you have to do is insert it into a music player, push play, let it roam from its beginning until its end, and you’ll have your whole night right there. Hopefully for me, the night would consist of me making bad decisions with the earlier mentioned woman whose ass engaged in a little one-two step with my crotch on the fever inducing dance floor, and end with the two of us making sweet sweet music together.
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