Cast: Michael Moore, George W. Bush...
Director: Michael Moore
Writer: Michael Moore

Review Date: 07/28/04
Written By: Clarkey
Rating: 8/10
In this film, muckraker Michael Moore turns his eye on George W. Bush and his War on Terrorism agenda. He illustrates his argument about how this failed businessman with deep connections to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the Bin Ladins got elected on fraudulent circumstances and proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When that treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend his nation, only to later cynically manipulate it to serve his wealthy backers' corrupt ambitions. Through facts, footage and interviews, Moore illustrates his contention of how Bush and his cronies have gotten America into worse trouble than ever before and why Americans should not stand for it.
Like I say in my review of Super Size Me, documentaries are getting much better. The reason why is Michael Moore, whose new documentary is just as great as his other. The man is a genius and a brilliant filmmaker. He should be accepting his second best documentary Academy Award in the last three years when the Oscars roll around.
Fahrenheit 9/11 is similar to his other works; such as it starts off like his book, “Stupid White Men” and has a similar style as Bowling for Columbine. However, this movie was more serious than Columbine. But he still pokes fun at his favourite President, like he always does. Speaking of which, the vacation scenes were priceless.
Moore is rarely seen on screen this time around, with only a couple of scenes having him in it. Most of those scenes you’ve seen in the trailers or TV spots, i.e. trying to get to Congressmen and Congresswomen to sign their children up for the War in Iraq. He spends a lot of time showing the connection between the Bush Administration and the Saudi Arabia government and business men. The research and the depth of the research is mind blowing. How he does it I will never know.
To those who say that Moore hates America, I say shut up. Moore doesn’t hate America, he simply hates what America has become and wants it changed asap. Politics aside, it is one of the best documentaries ever made. As Richard Roeper says, “No matter what side you’re on, you should see this movie, but more importantly those who haven’t picked a side should see it”. I would add that everyone should see it, not only for the politics, but to see a powerful, in depth, provactive and interesting film.
Director: Michael Moore
Writer: Michael Moore

Review Date: 07/28/04
Written By: Clarkey
Rating: 8/10
In this film, muckraker Michael Moore turns his eye on George W. Bush and his War on Terrorism agenda. He illustrates his argument about how this failed businessman with deep connections to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the Bin Ladins got elected on fraudulent circumstances and proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When that treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend his nation, only to later cynically manipulate it to serve his wealthy backers' corrupt ambitions. Through facts, footage and interviews, Moore illustrates his contention of how Bush and his cronies have gotten America into worse trouble than ever before and why Americans should not stand for it.
Like I say in my review of Super Size Me, documentaries are getting much better. The reason why is Michael Moore, whose new documentary is just as great as his other. The man is a genius and a brilliant filmmaker. He should be accepting his second best documentary Academy Award in the last three years when the Oscars roll around.
Fahrenheit 9/11 is similar to his other works; such as it starts off like his book, “Stupid White Men” and has a similar style as Bowling for Columbine. However, this movie was more serious than Columbine. But he still pokes fun at his favourite President, like he always does. Speaking of which, the vacation scenes were priceless.
Moore is rarely seen on screen this time around, with only a couple of scenes having him in it. Most of those scenes you’ve seen in the trailers or TV spots, i.e. trying to get to Congressmen and Congresswomen to sign their children up for the War in Iraq. He spends a lot of time showing the connection between the Bush Administration and the Saudi Arabia government and business men. The research and the depth of the research is mind blowing. How he does it I will never know.
To those who say that Moore hates America, I say shut up. Moore doesn’t hate America, he simply hates what America has become and wants it changed asap. Politics aside, it is one of the best documentaries ever made. As Richard Roeper says, “No matter what side you’re on, you should see this movie, but more importantly those who haven’t picked a side should see it”. I would add that everyone should see it, not only for the politics, but to see a powerful, in depth, provactive and interesting film.
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