cast :: Josh Harnett, Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman...
writer :: Jason Smilovic
director :: Paul McGuigan

review date :: 04/12/06
written by :: Clarkey
rating :: 7/10
I have rarely seen a Josh Harnett movie that I really liked, but this is definitely his movie. His portrayal of Slevin was outstanding with his smartass comments, his quirkiness and his badassness near the end. Bruce “motherfucking” Willis is once again at kicking ass and taking numbers as the Assassin. Sir Ben Kingsley and Morgan Freeman are their usual greatness as rival mob bosses. Even Lucy Liu is stellar as the adorable Lindsay. Not to mention the underappreciated Stanley Tucci, who punches in another solid performance as the cop who is trying to figure this whole puzzle out.
The trailer for the film treats the film as a case of mistaken identity, but as the plot unfolds, it is much more than simply that. I don’t want to get too involved in discussing the plot because it will give away a lot of the good parts of the film. There is a cute little love story between Harnett and Liu, which was a delight to watch unfold. Also, there is a revenge aspect to the film, which I’m a sucker for. I love revenge films and a few times at the end, I was cheering for certain characters.
The film is not very complex and there aren’t too many twists and turns; most of the audience will know what will happen next, but it is a fun time at the movies. If you are looking for a good way to waste ten bucks and two hours and you don’t want to see another crappy remake or sequel, then be sure to check out Lucky Number Slevin.
writer :: Jason Smilovic
director :: Paul McGuigan

review date :: 04/12/06
written by :: Clarkey
rating :: 7/10
THE PLOT_________________
A case of mistaken identity lands Slevin (Josh Hartnett) into the middle of a war being plotted by two of the city's most rival crime bosses: The Rabbi (Ben Kingsley) and The Boss (Morgan Freeman). Slevin is under constant surveillance by relentless Detective Brikowski (Stanley Tucci) as well as the infamous assassin Goodkat (Bruce Willis) and finds himself having to hatch his own ingenious plot to get them before they get him.THE REVIEW_________________
Originality seems to be lacking in Hollywood. Remakes and unnecessary sequels and trilogies are filling up cinemas across North America. However, every so often there are movies that fresh. Lucky Number Slevin is one of those films. Although, the main premise of a mistaken identity has been overused in the past, the film takes a new take on the idea. The film has a mix of Tarrantio and Kubrick look to it. And I must say it looks pretty damn good.I have rarely seen a Josh Harnett movie that I really liked, but this is definitely his movie. His portrayal of Slevin was outstanding with his smartass comments, his quirkiness and his badassness near the end. Bruce “motherfucking” Willis is once again at kicking ass and taking numbers as the Assassin. Sir Ben Kingsley and Morgan Freeman are their usual greatness as rival mob bosses. Even Lucy Liu is stellar as the adorable Lindsay. Not to mention the underappreciated Stanley Tucci, who punches in another solid performance as the cop who is trying to figure this whole puzzle out.
The trailer for the film treats the film as a case of mistaken identity, but as the plot unfolds, it is much more than simply that. I don’t want to get too involved in discussing the plot because it will give away a lot of the good parts of the film. There is a cute little love story between Harnett and Liu, which was a delight to watch unfold. Also, there is a revenge aspect to the film, which I’m a sucker for. I love revenge films and a few times at the end, I was cheering for certain characters.
The film is not very complex and there aren’t too many twists and turns; most of the audience will know what will happen next, but it is a fun time at the movies. If you are looking for a good way to waste ten bucks and two hours and you don’t want to see another crappy remake or sequel, then be sure to check out Lucky Number Slevin.
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