Cast: Wesley Snipes, Jessica Biel, Ryan Reynolds...
Director: David S. Goyer
Writer: David S. Goyer

Review Date: 12/11/04
Written By: Clarkey
Rating: 6/10
Wesley Snipes returns as the day-walking vampire hunter in the explosive third and final film in the Blade franchise, Blade: Trinity. When the Vampire Nation hatches a plan to frame Blade in a series of brutal killings, he must join forces with the Nightstalkers, a clan of human vampire hunters, in an extreme battle in which the trail of blood leads directly to the notorious vampire legend, Dracula. Written and directed by David S. Goyer, Blade: Trinity also stars Jessica Biel as Abigail, the daughter of Whistler (Kris Kristofferson), who inherits the vampire-slaying duties that once belonged to Blade (Wesley Snipes); and Ryan Reynolds (National Lampoon's Van Wilder) as Hannibal King, one of the Nightstalkers.
Sequels, prequels and remakes fill are cinemas nowadays. I normally hate these kinds of movies, but I was actually looking forward for Blade: Trinity. Having enjoyed the first two and also waiting to see how the additions of the lovely Jessica Biel and the hilarious Ryan Reynolds would do.
After watching this film, I have mixed opinions on it. From a film student’s point of view, a few of the main ingredients are missing. For example, the story was a very weak one, the editing was very choppy at the beginning, and the overusing of a transitions, which got very boring. Let me begin with the weak story. We got our traditional kind of vampires that Blade is always hunting searching for the "One" or the original or Dracula. Well, let’s just say they find him and bring to New York at the beginning. Right now, you’re thinking all right that the big bad guy, now let’s find out what the big plans the vampires have with him. All they want is to kill Blade, pretty plain. And the dialogue was kind of crappy, with the countless smartass remarks that Reynolds says. The main thing about the story, along with most of the dialogue was just stupid. Also, the movie takes awhile to get going. And another thing, it seems like everyone in the movie, who wasn’t a good guy was a vampire.
At the beginning, just before we get our first look at Blade kicking ass, we get a serious of chopping shots that add absolutely nothing to the story. In fact, they actually weaken the movie to the point where you’re pissed off or maybe it’s just me and a personal pet peeve. Most of the transition shots are the camera focusing on a shot of a city in super fast motion, showing the transition from day to night or vice versa. I don’t mind it, but when almost every transition shot in this movie is that one, it quickly gets old and very annoying. Audiences are not morons, they would clue in that there has been a change in the time of day when the last scene was in the day and the next scene is at night.
Now, it seems like I hated the movie, well not really. There were a few good things that this movie did right. Blade is Wesley Snipes best character in my opinion and he is back, taking numbers and kicking some serious ass. The action in this one is just as spectular as the first two and I liked how they kept the same special effects as the second one. The ash that the vampires turn to after they get some silver in their bodies. The new additions of Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds set right in and kick some serious ass. Biel looks hottier everytime I see her and the good canuck Reynolds steals the movie with his pricless smartass remarks. We first see him wearing a hello, my name is tag, instead of putting his name, he writes fuck you. It’s just golden.
The action takes up most of the time, which is a good thing because as I already mentioned the dialogue and the story are poorly done. The filmmakers make up for it by showing some great action sequences. Including the final battle scene that involves Blade and Dracula going mono on mono in one of the best sword fights of the year. For the most part, the movie looked pretty cool with even cooler sequences for instances the initial Dracula chase by Blade is one of the best non-vehicle chases in recent years. Also, the chase is a fresh kick-back to the old school police chases in the movies. Another thing that I liked was the opening credits, where it would freeze on Blade looking pissed off. It just looked great.
I went into this movie, expecting good things. I came out of it with mixed reactions. I loved the smartass comments from Reynolds and the action didn’t skip a beat, but the story was a weak one, the editing was chopping and the transition shots got really annoying really fast. Unfortunately the Blade trilogy is like so many before it, it only gets worse as they keep making them. I’m talking about how Blade 2 was a step down from Blade and Blade 3 is a step down from Blade 2. However, I would recommend this film to action fans and Reynolds fans because the man steals the movie.
Director: David S. Goyer
Writer: David S. Goyer

Review Date: 12/11/04
Written By: Clarkey
Rating: 6/10
Wesley Snipes returns as the day-walking vampire hunter in the explosive third and final film in the Blade franchise, Blade: Trinity. When the Vampire Nation hatches a plan to frame Blade in a series of brutal killings, he must join forces with the Nightstalkers, a clan of human vampire hunters, in an extreme battle in which the trail of blood leads directly to the notorious vampire legend, Dracula. Written and directed by David S. Goyer, Blade: Trinity also stars Jessica Biel as Abigail, the daughter of Whistler (Kris Kristofferson), who inherits the vampire-slaying duties that once belonged to Blade (Wesley Snipes); and Ryan Reynolds (National Lampoon's Van Wilder) as Hannibal King, one of the Nightstalkers.
Sequels, prequels and remakes fill are cinemas nowadays. I normally hate these kinds of movies, but I was actually looking forward for Blade: Trinity. Having enjoyed the first two and also waiting to see how the additions of the lovely Jessica Biel and the hilarious Ryan Reynolds would do.
After watching this film, I have mixed opinions on it. From a film student’s point of view, a few of the main ingredients are missing. For example, the story was a very weak one, the editing was very choppy at the beginning, and the overusing of a transitions, which got very boring. Let me begin with the weak story. We got our traditional kind of vampires that Blade is always hunting searching for the "One" or the original or Dracula. Well, let’s just say they find him and bring to New York at the beginning. Right now, you’re thinking all right that the big bad guy, now let’s find out what the big plans the vampires have with him. All they want is to kill Blade, pretty plain. And the dialogue was kind of crappy, with the countless smartass remarks that Reynolds says. The main thing about the story, along with most of the dialogue was just stupid. Also, the movie takes awhile to get going. And another thing, it seems like everyone in the movie, who wasn’t a good guy was a vampire.
At the beginning, just before we get our first look at Blade kicking ass, we get a serious of chopping shots that add absolutely nothing to the story. In fact, they actually weaken the movie to the point where you’re pissed off or maybe it’s just me and a personal pet peeve. Most of the transition shots are the camera focusing on a shot of a city in super fast motion, showing the transition from day to night or vice versa. I don’t mind it, but when almost every transition shot in this movie is that one, it quickly gets old and very annoying. Audiences are not morons, they would clue in that there has been a change in the time of day when the last scene was in the day and the next scene is at night.
Now, it seems like I hated the movie, well not really. There were a few good things that this movie did right. Blade is Wesley Snipes best character in my opinion and he is back, taking numbers and kicking some serious ass. The action in this one is just as spectular as the first two and I liked how they kept the same special effects as the second one. The ash that the vampires turn to after they get some silver in their bodies. The new additions of Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds set right in and kick some serious ass. Biel looks hottier everytime I see her and the good canuck Reynolds steals the movie with his pricless smartass remarks. We first see him wearing a hello, my name is tag, instead of putting his name, he writes fuck you. It’s just golden.
The action takes up most of the time, which is a good thing because as I already mentioned the dialogue and the story are poorly done. The filmmakers make up for it by showing some great action sequences. Including the final battle scene that involves Blade and Dracula going mono on mono in one of the best sword fights of the year. For the most part, the movie looked pretty cool with even cooler sequences for instances the initial Dracula chase by Blade is one of the best non-vehicle chases in recent years. Also, the chase is a fresh kick-back to the old school police chases in the movies. Another thing that I liked was the opening credits, where it would freeze on Blade looking pissed off. It just looked great.
I went into this movie, expecting good things. I came out of it with mixed reactions. I loved the smartass comments from Reynolds and the action didn’t skip a beat, but the story was a weak one, the editing was chopping and the transition shots got really annoying really fast. Unfortunately the Blade trilogy is like so many before it, it only gets worse as they keep making them. I’m talking about how Blade 2 was a step down from Blade and Blade 3 is a step down from Blade 2. However, I would recommend this film to action fans and Reynolds fans because the man steals the movie.
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